Xiaomi is one of the biggest Chinese companies which makes not only smartphones but also bunch of other devices like laptops, TVs or even pens. That's why Xiaomi is described as Chinese Apple, and today was a memorable day for the company because Xiaomi finally appeared on stock market.

For beginning price for shares of Xiaomi was set on 17 hong kong dollars, but at the end of the day one share costed 16,80 HK$. Whole company has market capitalization at level of 50 billion of dollars, which looks quite acceptably, but Xiaomi's bosses at the beginning of this year thought that their firm will reach level around 100 billion of dollars. However, general debut of Xiaomi on stock market looks impressively - on paper Xiaomi is valued three times better than LG! It seems that the leaders of Xiaomi can look optimistically at the future of the company.
