The standard model for video streaming platforms was to offer consumers access to content on paid subscriptions. At that time, customers did not have to worry about such issues as displaying advertisements, which were completely absent on streaming platforms. Over time, however, the largest streaming companies added paid subscriptions to their offer, under which customers had to watch ads, but in return the price of such subscriptions was much cheaper. Disney is thinking of offering its customers a similar offer.

A paid subscription under which users would have access to content, but interrupted by advertisements, may be added to the Disney+ service. Initially, this option would likely reach US users. At the moment, the cheapest subscription at Disney+ is priced at 7.99$. The new variant would have to be cheaper and there is information in the press indicating that the new subscription plan would be priced at 5$. If these reports are confirmed, Apple and Netflix will be the only of the largest companies without the cheapest subscription plan in their services with displayed ads.
