OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T are still used by large group of users around the world. OnePlus in the past month confirmed that all their phones will receive support lasting at least two years, so nearly everyone thought that OnePlus 3 which had its premiere in first half of 2016 won't receive update to Android P. How it turns out, both OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T will receive update to Android P. Statement which confirms this information was published on official OnePlus's forum.

In last week OnePlus published 5.0.4 version of OxygenOS dedicated for both phones, and after discussion with fans of OnePlus brand firm decided to make one more big update of Android to new version. For now workers of OnePlus thought about upgrade of system to 8.1 version, but company decided to change their plans. OnePlus will directly update OxygenOS for OnePlus 3 and 3T to Android P.
