Netflix offers its users many possibilities to personalize their profiles. Thanks to this, the platform suggests to users, based on the history of the content watched, subsequent series and films corresponding to the given ratings, but also customers can save a video on their profile in order to watch them in the future. Many users use shared variants of Netflix plans, but what if we want to change the person with whom we share our Netflix account in the event of moving out or breaking relationships with specific people? Until now, it has not been possible to transfer data from the old profile to the new one between separate accounts, but this will change.

Netflix will now offer to transfer portal recommendations, your viewing history, the list of saved content, saved games and other settings between profiles from the old and new account. Using the old profile, it will be possible to create a new one, and the whole process will be divided into simple steps displayed on the website. The new feature is gradually being released for all accounts. If it is available in your account, you will receive a relevant notification about it.
