Samsung willingly uses humorous inclusions about the policy of its main rival, Apple, in its advertisements. The same is the case with the latest ad for the Galaxy Flip series of phones. In the past, Samsung paid attention, among other things, to getting rid of the headphone input from smartphones. This time, Samsung mocked the lack of a foldable smartphone in the Apple's portfolio.

Samsung in its new advertisement indicates that with the Galaxy Z Flip 4 phone, users will attract other people's attention. This is supposed to be a way to convince undecided people who hesitate between buying equipment from Apple or Samsung to use the phone. In the advertisement, the main character sits on the border symbolizing uncertainty regarding the choice of equipment, but the design of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 was supposed to convince him to finally choose the Samsung proposal. It is likely that the South Korean company will use this argument more than once in its advertisements, as the foldable smartphone from Apple will not appear on the market soon.
