George Zhao, CEO of Honor firm, spoke about the company's future. Naturally, despite the fact that Honor has been separated from Huawei in a conflict-free manner and the relations between the companies are positive, Honor wants to compete with Huawei on the smartphone market. At the moment, the Honor company is known for creating phones at a low price or devices from the mid-range price shelf, but real flagships will soon join this group.

George Zhao announced that the company intends to launch a series of Magic phones. It is to contain devices stronger than the Mate and P series phones created by Huawei. It is said that thanks to the cooperation of Honor with Qualcomm, the company will be able to create a smartphone based on the Snapdragon 888 processor. Honor also plans to establish cooperation with other companies, not only in the field of smartphone development. It is said that on the list of potential partners of the company there are brands such as AMD or Intel. Cooperation with these two companies is going to allow the creation of a powerful laptop from the Honor Magicbook series.
