One of the major improvements that most iPhone customers want is the addition of a USB-C input to replace the Lightning connector used so far. So far, however, Apple has not decided on such a solution. Ken Pillonel decided to solve this problem, who manually changed the input on the phone and created a unique iPhone X using the USB-C input. However, this is not the end of the modifications prepared by Pillonel. This time he created a smartphone using the Android system, which... was equipped with a Lightning port.

The modified smartphone is the Samsung Galaxy A51, which has a USB-C 2.0 input as standard. The author of the modification boasted a short YouTube video, where you can see that the modified port actually works and the phone can be charged with a charger using the Lightning port, but the modification also allows for data transfer. The author announces that in the near future he will publish a longer recording showing step by step how a working Lightning port was created on an Android smartphone.
