HMD ownsthe rights to the Nokia brand. For this reason, in addition to the release of new smartphone models, firm also produces phones referring to popular devices from years ago. A new version of the legendary Nokia 3310 has been available for purchase for several years, but also in the HMD's portfolio there are such phones as the renewed Nokia 8110 or Nokia 6300. It turns out that this is not all. HMD plans that the Nokia 3650 will soon return to the market in a renewed formula.

When the Nokia 3650 madeits debut in 2003, it received very mixed reviews. It was undoubtedly a unique device. The phone received a keyboard in an unusual form, namely a circle-shaped keyboard. However, such a layout of buttons made it difficult, among other things, to comfortably play games designed for the standard layout of the buttons on the keyboard. In some aspects, the Nokia 3650 was a precursor of solutions that later became a standard on the phone market. We are talking, among other things, about slots for memory cards. Certainly, the return of this phone to the market may be interesting, but so far we do not know exactly what HMD's plans are for the renewed version of this device and we will have to wait a little longer for such information.
