In most of cases today websites with streaming content offer interesting content for paying regular monthly or annual subscription. This system works differently - for example Spotify offers free accounts which have incomplete access to all functions, but firm also offers subscription which for example stops advertisements from the application. Netflix has a different offer - we can watch shows on this platform only when we are subscribers. That's why the newest information about tests of commercials in this platform is surprising for us.

Some Netflix's subscribers published information that between two episodes of the same show watched on platform they had to watch advertisements of another Netflix's production. This commercial can't be skipped in any way. Fortunately platform will show us only advertisements of other productions which are available also on Netflix, or sometimes we can be forced to watch commercial which will try to encourage us to pay for higher subscription if we aren't subscribing Netflix in variant for 4 accounts. In our opinion it's not fair that we are paying for subscription and apart from this fact we are forced to watch commercials even when we don't want to do it.
