So far, monitoring health using a smartphone has been directly related to external equipment, such as wristbands or smartwatches. With their use, the phone read the results measured with the use of special functions that informed the user about the details of his or her health. Of course, it was mainly about heart rateor measuring breathing. Such a function is soon to be available directly on phones, without the need for additional bands or watches.

Google announces that in February, a function will be added to the Fit application that will allow users to monitor their heart rate and breathing using the phone itself. This function is to be associated directly with the regular camera in the phone. The use of the front camera is to allow the observation and analysis of chest movements, which will translate into measuring the user's breathing. On the other hand, measuring the heart rate will be possible after touching the rear camera module on the back of the smartphone. Initially, the new options to control health are only to be available on the Pixel series of phones, but over time they will probably also reach other phones using the Android system.
