Problems with the availability of PlayStation 5 actually affect every market in the world. Sony is currently not able to produce enough consoles to meet the needs of individual markets. What's more, there are even countries where PlayStation 5 hasn't debuted yet. More specifically, we are talking about India. This is set to change in the coming weeks.

Sony announces that PlayStation 5 is to hit stores in India on 2nd of February 2021. Pre-orders for the console will start on 12th of January. Clients will be able to submit them via Amazon or Flipkart. The delayed launch of the PlayStation 5 is due to several factors. Sony itself indicates that the main problem was the local regulations regarding the import of equipment, but Sony also had previously encountered a problem with the patenting the name PlayStation 5 in India when it turned out that a private person managed to reserve this name of the console quicker than producer of console did it itself.
