Everything seemed to indicate that the conflict between the United States and Huawei is a thing of the past. Despite this, the latest premiere of the Chinese manufacturer's Mate 30 series phones could indicate that Huawei's situation is still not enviable, and the problem with deals between Huawei and US companies still exists. Hence, customers using devices of this manufacturer will certainly be pleased to hear that one of the largest processor manufacturers on the mobile market has officially confirmed the resumption of its supplies to Huawei. More specifically we're talking about Qualcomm.

This information was confirmed by Qualcomm's chief executive officer, Steve Mollenkopf. This is a very good sign for the future in terms of concluding agreements between Huawei and other US companies. How important this aspect is for the Chinese manufacturer is easily illustrated by data indicating that Huawei for cooperation with American companies spent as much as 11 billion of dollars in 2018.
