Juho Sarvikas is a person who has been associated with the Nokia brand for years. Sarvikas worked for Nokia 15 years ago, and later, when the brand returned to the mobile market, he was employed by HMD Global. Since then, Sarvikas has become almost the face of the brand, presenting each of the new Nokia phones. However, HMD Global and Sarvikas are parting their ways, as Juho himself informed on his Twitter profile.

Sarvikas announced that he is ending cooperation with HMD and Nokia. So far, he has not provided information why he decided to take such a step. We also do not know if Sarvikas will have time to present the new Nokia phones for the last time. It is worth recalling that on 8th of April, HMD plans to present its new devices. On this day, we are to know the specifications of the G10, X10 and X20 phones.
