More than a year ago, Microsoft announced its intention to buy Activision Blizzard for 69 billion of dollars. Since then, however, the transaction has not been finalized, among others due to the protests of the European Union, selected governments from around the world and the competing companies themselves, led by Sony. All this is due to concerns about free market regulations, as there are fears that the titles developed by Activision so far will not appear on the consoles of other companies. They have special agreements to prevent this, and one of them Microsoft has already concluded with Nintendo.

Under the agreement, both companies will cooperate for 10 years. During this time, games appearing on Xbox will appear at exactly the same time on Nintendo consoles. This agreement is also to apply to games from the Activision portfolio, with particular emphasis on the Call of Duty series. The cooperation between Microsoft and Nintendo is to be the first step towards finalizing the purchase of Activision. It is possible that in the future Sony will also decide to sign a similar agreement, but for now Sony is reluctant to sign an agreement on this matter.
