Certainly many of you during using your smartphones came up with ideas on how to improve and simplify the use of the operating system on the device. In most cases, it is very hard to get the producers' attention when it comes to adding new features to the system. The situation is different in OnePlus, which defines itself as an organization that listens to its fans. One of the confirmation of this state of affairs may be a new action organized by OnePlus.

OnePlus has announced a challenge for the most interesting new feature that can be added to OxygenOS system. To submit your idea you just need to publish it on the official forum of company. Applications will be accepted until 22nd of February, and the winner will be officially announced during premiere of upcoming OnePlus 7. As part of the reward, company will provide the winner one OnePlus 7 for free and also firm will give winner special VIP entry to the official premiere of the device. In addition, OnePlus promises to cover cost of the flight to the place of presentation.
