We know that at least three smartphones will be presented at the grand Asus event on May 30. Asus has published a first teaser to the ZenFone 3, ZenFone 3 Deluxe and ZenFone 3 Max. You can watch it here. 

As we can see, the differences between the ZenFone 3 and the Deluxe version are very subtle, while the ZenFone 3 Max is a lot bigger than the two.

Asus promises us the "Zenvolution" along with three fancy-sounding words: "clarity", "desire" and "unlimited" can be seen on teaser. 

We already know the three smartphones will be in stores in June. 90% of the ZenFone 3 units will have Qualcomm chipsets inside, with 10% having MediaTek.