The Exynos processor brand is an original series of units developed by Samsung. However, these processors are not considered attractive to many users and they prefer to use phones equipped with Qualcomm units. This is because in the past, phones with the Exynos processor had sometimes stutter and got hot very quickly, sometimes even causing the battery to explode. Samsung, however, is constantly developing its processors and it looks like the upcoming Exynos 2200, as expected, will bring a significant leap in quality compared to its predecessor.

The latest information published on Twitter indicates that in terms of CPU, the upcoming Exynos 2200 processor will look better than the upcoming Snapdragon 895. However, the A15 processor developed by Apple, which is used in iPhones, will be better than it in terms of CPU. In terms of the GPU, the Exynos 2200 processor is to be second to none. If the announcements are confirmed, it will be the most powerful processor on the market in this aspect, but of course we will have to wait a while for the verification of this information. Of course, we hope that the new Exynos will not cause problems with overheating of phones.
