It often happens that when using the telephone just for a moment, we only come up with an interesting idea or we notice some interesting photos or recordings, but we are not able to see them carefully at specific moment. The planned changes to the Google Assistant may turn out to be a breakthrough in this aspect. The latest reports indicate that Google plans to add to its assistant the function of remembering various information.

Information about the introduction of the new function was found in the code of the new version of the Google Assistant, more specifically in the .apk file. People found information about a function called "Memory", which in practice would be a kind of memory to save important information for users. Using the new function, users could save all relevant information and multimedia in the Assistant, starting from their notes, ending with saving links and screenshots. For now, however, the "Memory" function is being tested inside the company and currently Google is awaiting feedback from its employees about the new add-on and we do not know when the new function will finally be added to the application.
