Google has worked on a project called Glass in the past. The company wanted to develop smart glasses in this way that were supposed to work in a similar way to a smartphone. Ultimately, however, the project collapsed, but this does not mean that Google completely gave up working on smart glasses. This is evidenced by the fact that two years ago Google decided to buy the North company, and now Google will acquire company Raxium.

The North company deals with AR glasses, while Raxium has so far been responsible for the production of microLED displays for AR and VR solutions. The amount of money for which Google bought Raxium was not made public. There is information in the media that this startup, which has been operating on the market for 5 years, was valued at a billion dollars. It is worth mentioning that Google is not the only company considering creating its own augmented reality glasses. Previously, it was said that work on such a solution was carried out, among others, in companies such as Apple or Meta.
