Air quality control by using our smartphone should soon become much easier. Currently, external applications dedicated to air quality analysis are most often used for this purpose. It turns out that Google is already working on the implementation of the air quality monitoring function in selected places.

According to the published information, Google wants to add the ability to monitor the air quality through the popular Google Maps application. By selecting a specific area, users will be able to press the "Air Quality" icon, after which the application will display details about the purity of the air in the selected place. The most important detail will be to indicate the air rating by using the Air Quality Index abbreviated AQI. On this basis, the application will suggest whether the current air condition is not harmful to the body and whether users can now play sports outdoors without fear. The published information will be collected on the basis of cooperation with official agencies dealing with the analysis of the air quality in individual areas. In addition, Google wants to add to Maps the ability to provide information on natural wildfires. In order to warn other users, it will be enough to click on the option that indicates a fire in the surrounding environment at the moment. Google has not yet mentioned all the countries that will be the first to access the new features, but the United States will almost certainly be on this list.
