To learn the first details about the ultra-curved screen from Huawei, go back to March 2019. It was then, according to the documentation, that the Chinese company patented this solution, but it was made public only now, several dozen hours ago via the media.

The patented screen was named Arc Display. It is a curved screen that allows the entire front panel to be used by the owner. The use of an ultra-curved screen would allow manufacturers to remove physical buttons from phones that are still often used in smartphones, which allow, among other things, to adjust the volume of sounds on the smartphone. In return, the phones would support special gestures on the sides of the phones, which would not only support basic functions such as the aforementioned volume control, but specific movements could be assigned to any function, such as launching an application. In addition, the smartphone, using the side panels, would also distinguish the force with which the user presses on the screen. Such a feature could allow several different actions to be triggered by the phone by using one place in the curved screen. It is worth noting that a phone using Arc Display would also receive a front camera placed under the screen. It is rumored that Arc Display can be used in the Mate 50 series phones, but so far these are only unconfirmed conjectures among journalists.
