With the entry of the iPhone 13 series, for the first time in history, Apple phones received support for the screen frequency function up to 120Hz. Flagship phones with Android system have been using this solution for some time, and finally the dynamic screen refresh rate up to 120Hz also appeared in Apple smartphones, but it is somewhat limited. It was added only to the 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max models, and what is important - so far not all applications use the possibilities offered by the ProMotion screen in the two mentioned phones. However, the upcoming system update is set to change that.

According to the information about the beta version of iOS version 15.4, Apple is testing the addition of an automatic refresh of the screen frequency to 120Hz when using applications not necessarily adjusted by the producers for this feature. Previously, this was not allowed by errors in Core Animation, which did not allow for the use of animations at a refresh rate other than 60Hz. For now, however, we cannot say whether the new version of the system will eventually allow forcing animation to be displayed in all applications at a frequency of up to 120Hz, or maybe Apple is focusing on testing this solution only in a specific group of applications. We will have to wait for the details of the upcoming changes until Apple officially comments this matter in the future.
