Cambridge Analytica is now defunct, but a few years ago there was a scandal in the media about this advertising company. Ultimately, the company used its algorithms to recommend specific content to users, but with the sharing of Facebook users' data without their consent, Cambridge Analytica played an important role during Donald Trump's campaign, which ultimately ended with his election victory. Cambridge Analytica also had an impact on displaying content to Facebook users about Brexit. Information about sharing user data without their consent by Facebook for Cambridge Analytica came to light in 2018. Therefore, Facebook, which later changed its name to Meta, must pay gigantic damages and penalties. In one of the court cases, a settlement has just been accepted.

According to the latest settlement regarding the disclosure of data without the consent of users, Meta is obliged to pay a penalty of 725 million of dollars. The settlement has yet to be approved by a court in the Northern District of California. In addition, Meta ensures that it has changed its user data privacy policy and introduced a new personal data protection program on the portal.
