For several months, there has been a lot of talk about the European Union imposing an obligation on electronics manufacturers in the form of using the USB-C input in their equipment. One of the companies that would suffer the most from this regulation is Apple, which in this way will not be able to use the previously used Lightning input in phones. Now we know officially when the new regulations will enter into force in the European Union.

It was officially announced that the directive numbered 2022/2380 will enter into force on 27th of December 2022. We can read in it that within two years manufacturers will have to adapt their new equipment to the regulations, which means that from 28th of December 2024 on the European market will only appear phones that support the USB-C input when it comes to the port used to charge electronics. The directive applies to all electronic devices, including inter alia phones, tablets, headphones and portable consoles. Further changes will apply to laptops, which from 28th of April 2026 will also have to support USB of C type.
