Samsung during creating its flagship smartphones from the Galaxy series prepares almost every time two different versions of the same phone, which differ only in processors. In some markets, the phones appear with the proprietary Exynos brand unit, and in almost all key markets for Samsung flagship devices are equipped with units manufactured by Qualcomm (United States, China, Japan). The latest reports indicate that in the nearest future we will have a change in the aspect of availability of both versions around the world.

Unofficial reports report that the unit manufactured by Qualcomm during testing presents significantly better performance than the Exynos series unit, which is why Samsung wants to expand the availability of the Samsung Galaxy S11 version with Qualcomm Snapdragon 865. According to the intention of producer, Samsung Galaxy S11 with the latest Qualcomm unit is going to be available in every country except the European continent. European countries will still have to settle for the Exynos processor, but if the difference in performance will widen it is possible that Samsung even completely decides to opt out of Exynos units in its flagship phones, although it seems to be an unrealistic solution for now.
