The audio layer is a very important part of series and movies. Surely you have encountered a situation where you heard a catchy song while watching a series, but you did not know its title or artist. Solution to this problem is supposed to be a bit easier from now on. All thanks to the launch of the Netflix Hub service, which will appear on the Spotify platform in cooperation with the aforementioned Netflix.

As part of the new service, users will have easy access to soundtracks from their favorite series such as Squid Game or Money Heist. There will also be various podcasts on the Netflix Hub referring to popular recordings published on the Netflix platform. The new feature will be available in several countries for now, including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Ireland and India. Details of the dedicated section can be found easily by entering "Netflix" in the Spotify search engine. Obviously, this section will be available to all users, regardless of the subscription plan chosen by them.
