From February 2022, a portable console from Steam called Steam Deck is available on the market. Due to the availability of components, however, the sale of the console was carried out in the form of a reservation for the future delivery of the console. In some cases, it took up to several months for the equipment to be delivered. From now on, the availability of the console in all available variants should be better, which is what Steam itself boasts on official website.

According to information provided by Steam, from now on the Steam Deck console will be available immediately, and the expected delivery date will be up to two weeks. This applies to both the cheapest variant using 64GB of internal eMMC memory, as well as options using 256GB and 512GB of internal NVMe SSD memory. The price of the console has not changed. In addition, Steam is expanding Steam Deck's range of availability to new countries. From now on, orders, but only in the form of reservations, can be made in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong through the Komodo company.
