Samsung has already started shipping its latest flagship Galaxy S22 series phones, for which pre-orders have already been placed. The first units of Galaxy S22 Ultra phones show, however, that they have a rather disturbing problem in the operation of the screen. Users report that when selecting specific screen settings, the display starts flickering, which is especially noticeable when watching YouTube on the phone.

The problem is reported by users on Reddit and on the official Samsung's forum. The problem with screen flickering appears only when the screen is set to WQHD resolution and the screen mode is set to Natural. In other cases, this problem does not occur. Samsung confirms that this problem occurs with the Galaxy S22 Ultra model, but it does not depend on the type of processor used in the smartphone. The company claims that this problem is due to the software used in the smartphone and the upcoming system updates will solve the problem of screen flickering in the latest Samsung's flagship.
