Until now, to use the library of downloaded songs in the Spotify offline version using your smartwatch, it was necessary to connect the watch to the phone that was nearby. Spotify has for some time announced, however, that listening to songs via smartwatch in the offline version will be possible without the need to connect to the phone. The promises are already being put into practice and Internet users confirm that some accounts have already been able to listen to the offline library using the watch and earphones only.

To listen to the recordings in the offline version, however, it is necessary to have a watch using the WearOS system and to download the Spotify application in the version dedicated to WearOS from the Play Store. Through the Spotify application on other platforms, it will be possible to download specific playlists or podcasts that can be saved on the smartwatch for offline listening. This is an important detail, because it is impossible to download individual songs - you will need to create a special playlist, which will then be downloaded on the watch. The function of listening to the recordings in the offline version via the smartwatch is available only to users paying a Premium subscription on the Spotify portal.
