WhatsApp introduced the ability to send voice recordings to the application in 2013 and it is still a very popular form of communication today. In the official press release on the WhatsApp website, we can read that daily users of this application send an average of about 7 billion voice messages. For this reason, WhatsApp has decided to improve the functionality of this feature.

After introducing new changes to the application, it will be possible to play voice messages outside the chat where they were sent, thanks to which it will be possible to perform other tasks on the phone while listening. There will also be an option to pause recording and scrolling it. The application will also remember the place where the recording was interrupted in order to be able to resume playback from the same point in the future. WhatsApp also provided the ability to listen to the voicemail message before sending it, and the app will now visualize the recording by creating a dynamic image of the sound wave. The last of the announced modifications is the option to speed up the playback of the recording to 1.5x or 2x tempo.
