YouTube wants to improve the quality of the content that is broadcasted on its main video platform. Changes to the comments section under the recordings are to contribute to this. The introduced modifications will be aimed at fighting with spam and inappropriate comments that break the rules.

YouTube in the official announcement boasts of improving the effectiveness of spam detection in comments through a new, automatic algorithm. The company managed to remove around 1.1 billion spam comments from videos in the first half of this year alone. The algorithm was created so that it learns the behavior of bots and spammers and is resistant to their attacks in the future. The changes also apply to bot activity in the live comments section. In addition, YouTube officially introduces a limited time to block comments. It will consist in sending a warning to the user informing that a given comment violated the regulations of the portal. If the user continues to break the rules, then he or she will be blocked from commenting on the recordings for a certain period of time. The default is to be a 24-hour block.
