Phones that support 5G are more expensive on the market than devices with a similar specification that only support 4G. This state of affairs will remain on the market for some time, hence Apple from the beginning of work on the iPhone 12 thought how firm can save some money on the production of the phone while adding 5G support to the phone. A few hours ago, journalists published information that it is possible thanks to the battery.

The general changes made to the iPhone 12 over its predecessors include 5G support and the addition of support for more signal frequencies, which should ultimately translate into an increase in production costs of around 135$. Apple, however, found a way to ensure that the production price didn't change much. Changes apply to the production of batteries. Apple plans to reduce the number of layers in the device's battery. The battery will be simpler when it comes to its construction, while the users shouldn't feel any changes while using the phone. Apple, on the other hand, will reduce production costs by about 40-50% compared to the iPhone 11, which will keep the price of iPhone 12 at a similar level as it was in the case of smartphones from the 11 series.
