In mobile market, more and more companies are seeing the benefits of patenting their own payment card. Quite recently, Huawei has decided to enter this market segment with its Huawei Card, and the precursor in this field was Apple which created the Apple Card. Now one of the giants of the mobile market, Google, is working on a similar solution. Rumors have been appearing on this subject for some time, and now we have received confirmation that such a project actually exists.

The card created by Google will be debit card, which can be directly connected to Google Pay application, where users will be able to monitor their purchases made with their card. It will have a built-in Visa chip, but over time it is possible that other cards will appear on the market, manufactured in cooperation with ofter companies including among others Mastercard. Of course, Google's card will support cashless payments. For now, journalists call new Google's product as Google Card in their articles, because Google hasn't yet disclosed name of its new product or the specific date when it will appear on the market.
