Game Optimizations Service option is pre-installed on Samsung's Galaxy S series of phones. It also appears on some Samsung's tablets. In short, it allows you to automatically adjust the smoothness of games in order to extend the operation of the phone on a single battery cycle. Recently, however, information appeared in the press that the GOS function controls the operation of not only games, but also other applications and phones are intentionally slowed down, which affects the smooth operation of the device. There were as many as 10 000 applications on the aforementioned list. What's more, users were not given the option to disable the GOS option by default, which caused lot of negative comments from customers. Jonh-Hee Han, vice president and CEO of Samsung, commented on these reports.

This topic was raised during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders. Jong-Hee Han officially apologized to everyone who was outraged by this case and assured that the company was very keen to listen to the voice of customers and that in the future the company would do everything to prevent such controversy from taking place. To address this issue, Samsung has released a new update that officially removes the Game Optimization Service restriction from controlling standard applications other than mobile games.
