In April, the first information appeared indicating that Elon Musk, after joining the supervisory board of the company, made an offer to buy shares from some of the remaining shareholders. This was how Musk was going to become Twitter's main shareholder. The offer was accepted, but after a few weeks Musk postponed his decision to buy Twitter. The reason was supposed to be a large percentage of inactive and fake Twitter accounts, and this case, according to Musk, has not been clearly described by the current Twitter owners. Since then, the case has gotten quiet in the media, but the topic returns.

Musk's original offer was that he was willing to buy the company for 44 billion of dolars. This meant Musk would pay 54.20$ per share. This price is to be maintained and based on decisions made by Twitter authorities, Elon Musk is forced to make a buyout transaction. Both sides are to meet in court by 17th of October.
