TikTok and Instagram applications are becoming more and more popular. Google is also aware of this, as it does not want to fight the popularity of both applications, but wants to benefit from it. This is why the Google search engine may gain a new function. There have been announcements on the Internet indicating that Google will want to show search results which will include videos posted on TikTok and Instagram.

An option called "Short videos" has already appeared during Google searches, but so far Google has mainly shown recordings from YouTube or Twitter. With the new update, the "Short videos" option located just below the search field is to start showing search results on a given topic including Instagram and TikTok videos. By clicking on the search result, users will be taken directly to the appropriate application, where they will be able to view the full recording. Some users have already been given access to this feature in a beta version, but we don't know exactly when Google will release an update with the search method for all users. It is very possible that this feature will be expanded even more in the future and the search will include even more applications.
