After years of using third-party processors in their flagship smartphones, Google has decided to create its own series of processors called Tensor. The first edition of the processor in this series, however, does not collect the best reviews, especially in terms of working on a single battery charge, because the battery is often drained by the system. These problems are expected to be resolved by the upcoming Tensor 2, which is expected to start production this month.

Samsung will be responsible for the production of the processor, same as in the case of the first Tensor processor. The new unit will be manufactured in a 4nm technological process. Upcoming processor is designed for the Pixel 7 series phones that will have its premiere this autumn. Google announces that in autumn it will present two models from the Pixel 7 series. It will be the standard model and the Pro model. Let's hope that the new unit designed for Google flagships will solve the problem of overheating smartphones and will be more refined than its predecessor.
