Companies on the market are constantly trying to improve 5G technology, which is used on an increasing scale. Gradually, new phones appearing on the market are being adapted to this method of data transfer, and the 5G technology itself offers great opportunities in terms of data transfer speed. This is confirmed by the latest data provided by Samsung. The company set a new record in data transfer speed.

This record was established at a distance of 10 km from the signal source, which came from a device called Compact Macro. It is Samsung's proprietary tool that brings together all the devices necessary to generate a 5G signal in the mmWave spectrum. The tests were conducted in collaboration with NBN company, which has previously partnered with the Australian government to invest in 5G. During the tests, the record transmission speed was 2.7 Gbps, while on average it was 1.75 Gbps for data download and 61.5 Mbps for uploading information.
