Currently, each website, after visiting it for the first time, asks the user for permission to store cookies, which are used to personalize the website to the user's needs. One click is usually enough to accept them. However, opting out of saving cookies in the device's memory is sometimes difficult and for this reason Google and Meta have been fined.

The fines were imposed by the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty. Google was fined 150 million of euro, while Meta was fined with 60 million of euro. The reason in both cases was the cookie policy used on the websites. As the commission itself argues, accepting cookies was possible with one click, while resignation from this option was difficult. In the opinion of the commission, resignation from this option should also be available through the website with just one click. In order to avoid additional penalties on the pages of Facebook, Google and YouTube, it will be necessary to change cookies options, which are to be implemented within 3 months. In the case of delays, companies will receive additional fines of 100 000 euro per day of delay in implementing the changes.
