In the past, Chinese company Xiaomi has already been added to the Guinness Book of Records twice. For the first time firm achieved it by building the largest mosaic in the world presenting company's logo, which was created from 9590 light bulbs. The second time, company beat a record in number of opened stores on one day, when firm opened up 500 new stores during one day in India. Now Xiaomi has once again been entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

This time, Xiaomi created the largest dynamic display made of smartphones. 1008 phones were used for the construction, and big display was arranged in the shape of a Christmas tree with a height of 7.9 meters. The previous record was established by connection of 504 phones. Beating this record is part of the marketing campaign which advertises new Xiaomi Mi Play phone, which was presented a few days ago. Interestingly, Christmas tree created from 1008 phones in a shopping center in China now works as the largest Wi-Fi hotspot in Beijing.
