At the end of 2021, Apple announced that the company plans to introduce a service that allows for manual repair non-working equipment, without the need to use external services. This service has been called Self Service Repair and is now being rolled out in the first country. This country is the United States.

In order to provide customers with individual parts for smartphones, Apple has launched a special store where displays, batteries, speakers, cameras and more are available for purchase. At the moment, the store offers parts for the iPhone 12, iPhone 13 series and the latest third generation iPhone SE. In addition, Apple has also introduced the option to borrow equipment used to repair phones for an additional fee. Importantly, repairing the phone manually will not invalidate the phone warranty, but any damage to the equipment during the repair will not be covered by Apple. In the near future, the company wants to expand the range of this service and it should be available in Europe this year.
