In some aspects, Apple is very dependent on the suppliers with whom it is contracted. One such detail about making smartphones is providing memory that Apple doesn't make by itself. The leading suppliers of NAND memory used in some Apple smartphones are currently two companies: Samsung and SK Hynix. The company, however, wants to diversify the supply of memory for phones and it is said that Apple will announce cooperation with a third supplier in the near future.

The company that would supply NAND memory for Apple is the Chinese company Yangtze Memory Technologies. What's more, the first leaks have already appeared in the press, indicating that the manufacturer has already provided Apple with the first test units of NAND memory and the company was to receive a positive response to Apple's expectations. It is worth mentioning, however, that the memory performed by Yangtze is of an older generation than for example the memory developed by Samsung. For this reason, it can be expected that the supply of memory from Yangtze would probably be intended for smartphones from side series, such as the iPhone SE.
