Since the premiere of the PlayStation 5 console, problems with its availability could be noticed on the market. Users have more than once been forced to buy the console in more expensive sets. Supply problems were caused by a shortage of components used in the PlayStation 5, and there will now be an additional problem for users in the form of the price of the console, which will be raised.

Sony has decided to raise the retail price of the PlayStation 5 console in almost all markets in the world. The reason is the current condition of economic markets, led by high inflation and current exchange rates. The exception is the US market, because in the US Sony decided to keep the console price as it was. The changes apply to both the console in standard variant and the option that only supports digital games. For example, a console with disc drive that previously cost 499.99 euro in Europe will now be priced at 549.99 euro, and the Digital option will be priced at 449.99 euro instead of 399.99 euro.
