Earlier this year, we reported that YouTube is seriously thinking about turning off the dislikes counts under videos. The company explains this by the fact that there are attacks that deliberately leave negative ratings under the recordings, and the excessive occurrence of negative ratings is often due to the crowd psychology. Finally, the plan will be implemented, but the function of leaving the dislike under the recordings will not be completely removed from the portal.

As we can read on the official YouTube blog, hiding the counter of dislikes under the videos has reduced the negative rating of specific recordings. However, this did not affect the view numbers and popularity of the videos themselves. For this reason, YouTube began hiding the dislike counters under the recordings on the portal. This function is gradually hidden under subsequent recordings, while the mere possibility of giving a negative assessment will still be possible. However, these statistics will not be globally available and only the administrators of the channels where the videos that were rated by the users have been published will have access to them.
